The Media and Me

The Internet 

The Internet has a great impact on me and my everyday life and this is probably primarily due to the time era and the power the internet has nowadays. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter are a usual chunk of peoples lives, even mine. Phones and iPads are something the majority of people have and they are a big part of how we see the world today. This is because social media can have negative impacts on people and the way they view themselves against others. This can cause a negative body image and have severe impacts on young people as young people are very vulnerable. The amount of young people struggling with depression and negative body standards, within young girls especially, has increased in the past ten years and this is partly due to social media. On platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, the posts being published are the 'best version' of someone which young people can compare to how they look in their 'everyday life'. This can cause people to wonder why they don't look like these well-groomed models and doubt their appearance.


Advertisement can also have these negative effects on young people because negative body images can stem from seeing the models looking at their best, similarly to the Internet and social media.
Advertisement takes on a large subconscious role in everyone's lives and it has done for many years now. Advertisement is subtlety put into our lives without us even noticing on things like buses, billboards, bus shelters, websites, shop windows, radios, televisions, magazines, newspapers, the list goes on. Advertisement on phones has increased and has taken it to a whole new level. This is because instead of you as a customer looking for something, the internet remembers and logs what you have searched before, this means that instead, it comes to you with products that have been selected for you personally that the website thinks you will want. Nowadays its the companies coming to you rather than you coming to the company. 


I don't personally read many newspapers solely due to the fact technology has taken over the use of them almost. The things you read in the newspapers are all now condensed and put onto either our mobile screens, our laptops or our televisions. this means there isn't as much need for newspapers now as there was back in the day. Newspapers can alter information that they publish depending on who their customers are. For example, the Guardian newspaper writes about politics with an extremely left-wing view. Obviously, right-winged people are not going to buy and read this newspapers as it goes against what they believe and glorifies what they think is wrong however a right-winged person would read a newspaper such as The Dialy Mail.


The television has massive effects on media and society because there are so many different categories beneath it which are so involved in the everyday life that we don't even realise. Advertisement is a usual thing to see on television that we don't really take any real notice of but these advertisements are vital in shaping society today like I talked about earlier. Television also consists of reality TV which portrays 'everyday' peoples lives as something they're completely not and can be viewed as 'false advertisement' due to this, similarly to those on social media platforms that photoshop their photos. I personally don't watch very much television however I watch another form of television called Netflix. Netflix is a website/applictation that has many different shows and films that you can watch wherever and whenever you'd like to, without adverts. This can become a problem for television shows that are televised on your standard TV because the vast majority of people nowadays watch programs on netflix rather than a television.


Magazines have a massive effect on young people due to the models that are photographed in these adverts inside them. similarly to the unrealistic body standards the social media platforms create, magazines make young children doubt their idea of beauty due to what they see in these magazines. I don't read many magazines because of the same reason for the newspapers (i can find the information elsewhere, where it's easier and more accessible). however, I know that magazines, such as vogue, have approximately 25 pages of pure adverts at the start of their magazine to make a profit and to also fill the magazine in away. this is another example of an advertisement taking over our everyday life without us even realising.
