
Camera Shots

P oint Of View the close-up shot of the character works as a reference for the point of view shot as the audience sees the characters viewpoint of an object of significance or their view of the action. the purpose of this shot is to engage the audience with the character's motives. Establishing/ Extreme Long Shot Usually an exterior shot which establishes a time and location of the production. Any character or characters may just be visible to the audience This is an important shot which is often used at the start of a production to provide the audience with important information regarding the setting for the storyline. Long Shot Directors may often follow an Establishing shot with a Long Shot of a character, which enables the audience to see the character from head to toe. This shot allows the audience to understand the relationship between the character and their environment. . Mid Shot A mid shot may often follow a long shot and provides the audience with th

Gifs in Ill Manors

The use of a low angle shot makes the youth in this video look intimidating and someone to be scared of, Playing to the stereotypes that are being spoken about in the song. "He's got a hoodie on give him a hug" David Cameron talked about hugging a hoodie, which wasn't supported by 'chavs' or people living in council houses because they believe that David and similar people of authority                                               

The Media and Me

The Internet  The Internet has a great impact on me and my everyday life and this is probably primarily due to the time era and the power the internet has nowadays. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter are a usual chunk of peoples lives, even mine. Phones and iPads are something the majority of people have and they are a big part of how we see the world today. This is because social media can have negative impacts on people and the way they view themselves against others. This can cause a negative body image and have severe impacts on young people as young people are very vulnerable. The amount of young people struggling with depression and negative body standards, within young girls especially, has increased in the past ten years and this is partly due to social media. On platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, the posts being published are the 'best version' of someone which young people can compare to how they look in their 'everyday life&#

Why Study The Media?

The media is everchanging and developing and becoming increasingly integrated into our everyday lives. More than ever, the media has a huge amount of influence on our opinions and behaviours, and we can participate within the media more than ever with the changing relationship and blurred lines between producer and consumer.  Relationships between the media and public are ever evolving due to the rise in social media and how accessible it is to produce media content. This includes social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. These platforms have changed the relationship because people are now able to easily voice their own opinions meaning that people no longer have to pay for news content. This change can shift the majority of people from big news broadcasters, such as The Guardian, to using more available resources, such as Twitter. Certain problems can arise from this because they’re not as reputable because they’re not produced by professional journalists.

The Media Timeline

The Media Timeline Advertisement: bamboo flutes were played to help cell candy in the 11th to 7th centuries BCE. Newspaper: 1605. Magazine: 1663. Film: a film called Roundly Garden Scene was made in 1888 by Louis Lee Prince, the film lasted 2.11 seconds. Radio: 1895 Guglielmo Marconi.  Television: Philo Taylor Farnsworth 1927. The Internet: 1983 (worldwide web 1990 ).   bbc bitesize world wide web